R Becker

The Reign of Sin Destroyed

“Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all …

Holding Hands with Elderly

Human Touch

FROM THE VERY BEGINNING OF mankind, there was the needfulness of touch. Formed of dust by the hand of his …

Armageddon News

This is war!

Babylon the Great is a murderess, bent on the destruction of the most vul­nerable of mankind. Her bloodlust knows no …

Its still just a Drag March


IT IS ALL-OUT, OPEN WAR – in the streets in broad daylight, we are under constant bombardment by mainstream media; …

footprints in the sand

Be Who YOU Are

OVER THE PAST CENTURY AND MORE, the currents of change have circulated among the nations, foreshad­owing the grand reconciling of …