R Becker

Satan’s Grandest Failure

It’s an age-old tactic, used and reused time and again. In his desperation (yes, he is desperate!), Satan is dusting …

Prophetic Identity

Our identity is distinctly prophetic. Many came to John the Baptist, demanding he declare who he was. In like manner, …

The Mark of the Beast

A mark? Of a beast? How frightful! Yet it is in the pages of the Bible that we are warned …

The Glories of the Gospel

“And I saw another angel fly in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting gospel to preach unto them that …

God hath made me to laugh

“GOD HATH MADE ME TO LAUGH, so that all that hear will laugh with me.” Genesis 21:6. These are the …

The Beauty of Inconvenience

MANKIND HAS BEEN ON THE QUEST for a faster, more convenient way since the dawn of time. We have a …

Armageddon News

Armageddon has raged on

Our readers will have noticed a hiatus from the News in the last few issues of our beloved periodical. From …

A Path Paved by Immorality

“We have to stand up against the aggressive LGBT agenda!” said the Modern Christian. “We can’t allow the queers to …