
Media Manipulation And How to Escape It

IT IS ALMOST IMPOSSIBLE TO EVADE. Information, opinions, and narratives are incessantly streaming into our consciousness through the media. With …

IT IS ALMOST IMPOSSIBLE TO EVADE. Information, opinions, and narratives are incessantly streaming into our consciousness through the media. With an almost endless list of avenues at its disposal, the media disseminates information to the public. The arrival of the smart phone has only made this dissemination all the more convenient, endless, and inescapable. Newspapers, magazines, books, radio, television, talk shows, news outlets, movies, music, video games, advertisements–every media source is ever-present at our fingertips.

The general population is largely unaware of how this constant bombardment by the media is influencing their minds. Many choices–from fashion preferences to how the populace votes in a presidential election–are directly prompted by the media. Nevertheless, because this inducement is done with such subtlety, the public remains oblivious to the media’s power and believes they are making objective choices based on their well-informed knowledge.

It matters little that a large portion of the population around the world distrusts the news media.

According to a 2021 study examining forty countries and their perspective on the media, only 29% of Americans said they trust their news forums.1 But when one understands the powerful system of the media, it is easy to see that such numbers instill no fear in the owners of the media companies. Their influence is hardly diminished by the mistrust of the populace. Essentially, every avenue of information to the public is controlled, making their influence virtually inescapable. Whether the public trusts the news or not, the people are easily kept under the influence of the media’s narrative through a myriad of other avenues.

Many are unaware that almost all sources of information to the public are controlled by only six monolithic media conglomerates. That means nearly everything we read, listen to, and watch is controlled by a mere handful of rich elites! By spreading their influence out into a vast number of subsidiary companies, these media gurus give the populace the impression of being able to impartially choose their source of information, but it is only a crafty illusion of choice.

This consolidation of the media sources enables the media elites to easily push a certain narrative to the public. Speaking of the information given to us about slavery in America in his book, Hustlin’ Backward, Stephen Hargrave states, “This unreliable and deliberately twisted historical narrative with all of its false ideas is now, as always, advanced and circulated by organized media outlets which are financed by wicked powers in high places.” He continues, “When I say media, I don’t just mean conservative, liberal, left, right or all in between. I mean the structure through which information flows and is dispersed to the public. The purpose of these outlets is to keep back the truth by creating, perpetuating, and disseminating false narratives.”

The same is done with a multitude of different subjects. The impression is given that there are many viewpoints in the media–conservative, liberal, in-between, etc. That is because there are certain topics that the conglomerates allow to be discussed and debated. Or rather, they encourage their discussion. After all, certain controversial topics cause the population to be divided against itself. This divide and conquer tactic provides the smokescreen that enables the elites a cover to further their purposes undetected.

But let someone challenge their ultimate agenda and see the beastly power rise to crush any dissenting voice. While censorship has always been there, it has become increasingly obvious in the last few years. Under the name of “consumer protection,” Google censors websites that dissent from the mainstream narrative and manipulates their search engine to prioritize websites connected to Big Pharma.

This is no accident, as Big Pharma and Big Media are intricately connected.2 Many other media outlets, including YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter, join in the censorship of any information that challenges the narrative being advocated by the elites.

When censorship becomes impossible, the media resorts to shameless smear campaigns. Anyone who challenges the narrative must be prepared to have all the powers that be join in a search for any quote, picture, or story that can be used to disqualify his voice. It matters not if the story must be manipulated, falsified, or taken out of context. What matters is that the masses connect the dissenter with something contemptible. Hence, both politicians and the media will waste no time in attaching certain trigger words to any dissident–extremist, conspiracy theorist, homophobic, cult-like, fringe minority–all in an effort to quench the opposing voice.

Even with this cursory look at the crafty arrangement and workings of the media, it becomes obvious that Jim Morrison was spot-on when he said, “Whoever controls the media, controls the mind.” It is impossible to describe all the ways in which the media abuses this power. But the role of the media is the ability of the “kings of the earth” to keep humanity oppressed, abused, and under its sway is becoming ever more apparent. To call this system evil is a colossal understatement.

Is there any solution? Is there any way to escape the indoctrination and influence of this all-pervasive system? The only method of destroying the media’s powerful influence over the masses would be to completely eschew all its avenues of influence. This would necessitate the populace to turn to another source of information; a source completely detached from the system of the elites. Furthermore, it would require the people to understand the only method of attaining accurate information and understanding.

This true understanding can only come through a prophet. This statement may seem novel to our minds. Nevertheless, it is on this understanding that our only hope of escaping the sway of the media rests. You see, even true journalism cannot provide a complete understanding of the world’s events by itself.

Truthful journalism can provide us with very necessary facts. But to use these facts to reach a complete and accurate understanding of the world’s events requires the spirit of prophecy. This is because history and the current events of the world are inseparably tied with prophecy. As Stephen Hargrave states in his book, “We cannot obtain the fullness of historic accuracy without the prophetic perspective because prophecy is history foretold, and history is prophecy fulfilled.”

The media is quite accurately named, for it is the medium used to dispense information to the masses.
What we must realize is that ultimately, the world’s media is a medium that Satan uses to dispense his narrative to the masses. The elites and media corporations are only his tools to accomplish this goal.

The only method of escape from this indoctrination is to turn to the medium that God has chosen to dispense accurate understanding to the people He died to save–this medium is the prophet. It is only a prophet that possesses the ability to take all the events of the past, present, and future and give an accurate, comprehensive, and perfect portrayal of these events.

During Babylon’s glory under Nebuchadnezzar, the narrative propagated at the time was that Babylon was an indestructible, powerful empire which encompassed within its kingdom the wisest, best-educated, most-talented men in the world. To defy its power and contradict its wisdom seemed not only impossible but also illogical. But Daniel, endowed with the spirit of prophecy, was able to look past the facts as they seemed. He saw Babylon for the fleeting, beastly power that it was, foresaw its fall, and was able to boldly stand up against such a powerful system. While he did so, he was able to encourage the people of God and give them the correct understanding of their current events during their captivity in Babylon.

Just so, God has not left us without a prophet in our day. He saw our desperate need for true prophets that could lead the people into the accurate understanding of our time and the events we face. A unified body of prophets has been called forth by God. These men and women have been anointed with prophetic vision that pierces through the facts as they seem, enabling them to see the complete and accurate reality of this world and its events.

We must turn a deaf ear to the elites’ narrative, propagated by the media, that has kept us in indescribable oppression while they have waxed rich by the sale of slaves and souls of men (Rev. 18:13).

It is time to look to the watchmen on the wall and inquire of them, “What do you see?”


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