
A Divine Love Relationship

LOVE–is it not the subject and desire of the ages? The theme of songs, novels, and movies? The soul of …

LOVE–is it not the subject and desire of the ages? The theme of songs, novels, and movies? The soul of humanity is athirst for love.

What is love? Ah, the great question. The Apostle John declared that “God is love.” He is the consummate definition of love. Who can take up the subject of love? To do so is to handle God. It is to explore a shoreless sea. Love cannot be fully known without knowing God intimately. Many profess love for God, yet few possess it, even among professed Christians.

We are made in the image of God, in the image of the love and the fellowship that He had with Himself from eternity. The purpose of the human family was to enter into this great eternal love relationship and procreate His image of love.

Love holds the balance of the universe. It is the electricity of life and the conductor of all its blessings–Peace, joy, health, happiness, and unity. It is the connection to the blessings and power of God.

Satan’s deception of our first parents in Eden gave rise to a proud, independent self-love, thus corrupting the balance of life, and consequently, sickness and death passed upon all men.

In time, Christ–the promised seedcame, preaching a simple but earthshaking message. The one purpose of religion was to love God with all of one’s being and the second commandment was contained in the first–to love one’s fellow man as one’s self, for if a man loves God, he must of necessity love all men whom God created (Matthew 22:37-40).

Divine love is the supreme law. This is the text for the universe and the most complete summary of all laws and standards of righteousness.

The sum total of the purpose of holiness and righteous practices is to create an environment where the current of love can flow in its uncorrupted purity and power.

Sadly, religious professors abound who follow disciplines while void of the heart and soul on which the structure of all true religion stands–divine love. “For in Jesus Christ neither circumcision availeth any thing, nor uncircumcision; but faith which worketh by love.”

You say you have faith, but the question is, does your faith work? Has it been activated and enlivened by the current of divine love in the soul? Psalm 46:4 speaks of a river that brings gladness to the city of God. Is it not the river of love that flows from the throne of God; the river that carries upon its current all vessels of divine blessings of true faith, salvation, hope, joy, peace, and unity? And it is the electricity that activates spiritual gifts.

In John 17:20–26, we find Christ in His last moments entreating the Father that the Spirit of love which He shared with Him from eternity would also be in His disciples. Thereby, this love and unity in the body of Christ, His church, was to be the proof for the world to have faith. Christ opened a way of access to the divine electricity of life for all who believe in Him, world without end, that all men might have the opportunity to know Love intimately.

Christ was Love manifest in the flesh; not simply a knowledge of love, but an experience, a relationship, and a communion with Love.

Today, a divided and weak Christendom seeks to find the power and blessings of God in the miraculous, in the mystical, in signs and wonders. Surely these things dwell with God and are for His people, yet they seek the gift rather than the Giver, the fruit without the root, the vessels of blessings when the river which conducts them is dry.

Ask not for a revival of miracles and wonders. There is a desperate need for a revival of burning, Calvary love in human hearts! A love that sacrifices and gives its life. A love that humbles itself and is willing to be of no reputation. A love that becomes a servant, that forgives enemies, and values all men.

Above all things, brethren, it is this that we need, and once found, all the divine blessings that God has in store for His children will flow organically.

We know the prophecies, brethren, but do we know the love from which they flow? For “though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries, and all knowledge; and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, and have not charity, I am nothing.”

“And now abideth faith, hope, charity, these three; but the greatest of these is charity.”

“A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you that ye also love one another. By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another.”

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