This is war!

Babylon the Great is a murderess, bent on the destruction of the most vul­nerable of mankind. Her bloodlust knows no boundaries. And she is not just drunk of the blood of saints and martyrs. Her rapacious deathly greed targets saint and sinner alike. The saint she seeks to snatch from the Faithful and True. The sinner she seeks to thwart from finding Him in the first place. Is it any wonder, then, that those who are most in need in this world are the target of her drunken gluttony? We see her fingerprints all over the news headlines that spill out the sorrow and shame of this world.

They Want to Help You Die

Kathrin Mentler was struggling with suicidal thoughts. She often does. “I live with chronic suicidal thoughts but that doesn’t mean I never feel joy in my life,” she told The Christian Institute. So, on this particular day when she was battling these persistent thoughts, she went to a place where she thought she would be kept safe from self-harm. “That day my goal was to keep myself safe. I was think­ing of maybe trying to get myself admit­ted to hospital because I was in crisis,” she said. But instead of affirming her worth and helping her to feel safe, a clinician at Vancouver General Hospital asked the 37-year-old Canadian if she had consid­ered death through Medical Assistance in Dying (MAiD).

She was stunned. She wanted help and safety from her thoughts. She wanted to live, not die. And here before her were the very ones entrusted to help her asking if she had considered physician-assisted suicide.

Canada legalized euthanasia for cer­tain circumstances in 2016. This was ex­panded in 2022 to include non-threaten­ing physical disabilities. By 2024, it plans to expand MAiD eligibility to people battling mental illness. Why Vancou­ver General Hospital would have offered MAiD to Mentler in 2023 is baffling. The procedure is illegal for her condition until next year. Why they would have offered it to her at all when she desperately wanted to live, however, is more concerning.

According to The Third Annual Re­port on Medical Assistance in Dying in Canada 2021, a total of 10,064 died under MAiD in 2021, “accounting for 3.3 % of all deaths” in the country that year. This is a growth of 32.4% over 2020. Since 2016, a total of 31,664 people have died at the hands of those who took the Hippocratic Oath to do no harm to them.

Churchgoers Gone Rogue

According to the Survey on Adult Churchgoers on Social Issues and World­view, one out of every six (16%) of churched adults “admitted to having ever paid for, encouraged, or chosen to have an abortion.” The survey, conducted by the Center for Biblical Worldview and published in June of this year, was meant to gauge “public opinion related to a va­riety of social issues, as well as responses regarding their worldview.” It also found that 22% of respondents fully identified as pro-choice. In addition to this, 21% of church-going adults believe the Bible does not identify when human life be­gins, and 20% claim to have a non-bibli­cal worldview.

We are not surprised by these num­bers. We’ve always known that good ole Babylonian preaching reaps dividends for the kingdom of darkness and provides fodder for the cannons of Armageddon.

Parents vs. California

“I am not going to allow this to keep happening to children,” Jessica Konen recently said to Fox News Digital. In a landmark victory for parental rights, Konen sued the Spreckles Union School District in Monterey County, California, for socially transitioning her 11-year-old daughter, Alicia, as a male at school and not informing her. The school district settled with Konen for $100,000.

Going through a difficult time, Alicia was told by staff at the school that “she may be upset because she didn’t know who she ‘truly was inside’.” They allowed her to use the boys’ bathroom and to use male pronouns while at school. All with­out her mother’s knowledge.

Alicia has since resolved her confu­sion and is working alongside her mother to fight for parental rights. “They need to understand their place, and they need to stay in their place,” Konen said. “And schools nowadays, they’re awful. So, I’m going to fight this fight and keep fighting this fight.”

California, however, is nonplussed over such parental victories. The State’s Attorney General Rob Bonta has filed a lawsuit to stop another school system, The Chino Valley School District, from enforcing its recently passed Policy 5020. According to the Christian Post, the policy states that its schools “must inform par­ents within three days of becoming aware of a student’s request to use a different name or pronoun or if the student asks to use the bathroom or play on an athletic team that doesn’t align with their sex.”

Bonta filed the lawsuit with the Superior Court of the State of California, ar­guing that the policy runs afoul of the state constitution’s prohibition of “local educational agencies from infringing on the privacy rights of their students.”

Babylon may lick her lips and claim she is no widow, but do not be fooled. Strong is the Lord God who judges her. And strong are His saints, the armies of heaven, which follow Him and bear the Spirit’s steel. This is war!

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