
Policy Statement

The Church of God does not tolerate any form of abuse.

The Church of God is the church that Jesus Christ came, lived and died for (Acts 20:28). It is the body of Christ. It is this body that the original apostles of Christ also lived and were martyred for. The church is the pillar and ground of the truth (I Timothy 3:15). Her stand is “holiness unto the Lord” (Zechariah 14:20, 21), and “without holiness, no man shall see the Lord” (Hebrews 12:14).

Abuse can come in many forms including, but not limited to, physical, mental, emotional, and sexual abuse. Abuse is always wrong. The Church of God does not and will not tolerate any form of it. We have and will continue to report all illegal activity involving abuse to the appropriate law enforcement officials. We also strongly encourage anyone who is aware of any form of abuse to do the same.