Brotherhood April 21, 2022May 21, 2020 Separation from the world in no way prevents unity among the human family.
A Call to Unity April 21, 2022May 7, 2020 We must take on a collective disregard for everything that divides us.
Ponder Your Path January 12, 2023May 6, 2020 Many lives are wasted for lack of understanding the purpose of man’s existence.
Together Apart? January 12, 2023May 1, 2020 Mankind needs real togetherness. Not via computers and phones!
Broken to Beautiful January 12, 2023April 29, 2020 Is your life broken? God knows how to transform it into something beautiful!
Dead or Alive? January 12, 2023April 22, 2020 Can one be truly alive that does not serve God with body, soul, and spirit?
Precious in the Sight of the Lord June 28, 2022April 15, 2020 For six millennia now, Adam’s fall has carried all men to Death’s door.