
Victory’s Precursor

UNREST AND TURMOIL are nothing new to this world. Through time, revolutions, reformations, and revolts have left their mark on …

UNREST AND TURMOIL are nothing new to this world. Through time, revolutions, reformations, and revolts have left their mark on this world and often changed the course of history. Nonetheless, the world has been especially turbulent in recent times. No longer are the uprisings brief interruptions in the usual hum of the world’s course, but rather, the quiet hum is almost hidden by the din of the rioting, dissatisfied masses.

The Washington Post recently mentioned a study that shows the number of protests in every region around the world has tripled in the last fifteen years. In the last month alone, Australia, Ireland, Austria, Croatia, Italy, the Netherlands, France, and the United States, among many other nations, have seen significant protests that often erupt in violence and chaos. The issues giving rise to this discontent are many and varied. Racial inequalities, government corruption, COVID-19 restrictions, climate change, and abortion are only a few of the many issues driving the protests. It almost seems as if any controversy is fuel that kindles the ever-increasing explosions of the volatile masses.

At the root of this global discontent seems to lie an awakening distrust for the powers that be. Institutions, governments, and social structures that have been long established and trusted are suddenly crumbling before the eyes of the populace. The masses around the world are becoming increasingly aware of the abuses and oppressions that have propelled the wheels of the world’s course. Hidden in plain sight for so long, these abuses are becoming impossible to ignore.

No longer do we perceive the system’s exploitations as limited to certain minorities or select groups throughout history; those who have been so separated from us that we can’t relate or empathize with their oppressions. Quickly increasing is the awareness that we have all been victimized by the kings of the earth with a system that abets and bolsters the powers that be by fleecing the populace. And while we’ve been exploited and oppressed, we, as the human family, have been systemically separated and antagonized, rendering us incapable of rising up against the tyrannical powers.

The growing discontented and irate multitudes are evidence not only of this increasing awareness around the globe, but also of the people’s weariness and frustration with the cruelties suffered. Many might not fully understand the depths of the oppressions they are rebelling against. Many more are fully ignorant of any possible or effective solution to such wide-spread, long-standing exploitations and abuses. Perhaps the level of ire witnessed at many protests around the world is simply a result of the angry impotence felt by the populace against powers that seem invincible.

But there is One who is not just now beginning to see the oppressions suffered by the multitudes throughout time. There is One who has taken account of them all; who has seen and known the depths and extents of every abuse inflicted by the system of this world. And while the world at large may be just beginning to understand the magnitude of these cruelties, the Lord of lords has been preparing for just such a time as this.

While the wheels of this world’s system were smoothly rolling along, unrestrainedly and covertly crushing the masses in their wake, God in heaven was moving on the hearts of some men and women, chosen and equipped for this time. Little by little, with flawless timing and mastery, God restored the understanding, glory, and power that could effectively establish a true place of refuge.

A place where all divisions and prejudices vanish in the wake of the new creature, made anew by the blood of the Lamb. A place where wounds inflicted by the world’s abuses can be healed by heavenly balm. A place headed by chosen men and women, endued with divine wisdom, love, and power; equipped to judge the great whore who has waxed rich by the sale of the souls of men (Revelation 18:13).

As the world awakens to the realities of this whore, the church of God stands ready–prepared and unafraid amid a world shaken by chaos. As the multitudes begin to cry out against her oppressions, not knowing where to find a refuge from her cruelties, the prepared Bride of Christ responds with a resounding blast of the trumpet. “Come,” she calls, “Let him that is athirst come” (Revelation 22:17). And while she calls, the Lord’s voice joins hers, “Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues” (Revelation 18:4)
As more and more people around the globe rebel against the world’s abusive system and begin to seek for the answer, the trumpet blast issuing from God’s prepared sanctuary will reach their ears as a guiding sound, leading them out of Babylon’s oppressions.

Zion will rejoice as she welcomes home those that choose to flee the world’s wicked and merciless system. Songs of rapture and shouts of victory will echo from the church of God as the system of Babylon falls to its final destruction.
Never fear, even though the whole world seems shaken with chaos and unrest. It is only the precursor to God’s greatest and final victory!

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