A popular song of the world emphatically declares,
“We don’t need no education
We don’t need no thought control
No dark sarcasm in the classroom
Teacher, leave them kids alone”
Although we don’t support disrespect toward those with the incredible calling of educating tomorrow’s adults, it seems the famous words of the band Pink Floyd resonate now louder than they did in the sixties. The precise grievances Roger Waters (1943-Present, of Pink Floyd) had against the education system are not clear, but we can join him in his powerful reprimand of an institution that is guilty of the systematic ruin of billions.
Society is being de-educated. Let us call it the “uneducation” of the world, and it is the undoing of society as we know it. Under the deceitful guise of altruism, children are being trained to hate, discriminate, lust, and despise their own God-given freedoms. The faculties of reason are being murdered in the classrooms. In the name of free-thinking, the institution is engaged in the greatest, mass brainwashing of all time. Mr. Waters had it right: it is thought control.
Now this is not to say that all modern education is bad, or that no one has benefited from Academia. But it is to say that the agenda behind the educational juggernaut is sinister, and those that come through it with their apparent sanity are of the rarer kind. Much less those able to maintain any kind of purity. Even the youngest children are being robbed of innocence by perverted adults who are more interested in making a space for their own promiscuity. God has charged them with the souls of these little ones, but they would rather have them sodomized than forfeit their own sexual liberty. You may think this is a drastic judgment, but the searching Spirit of God continues to expose it for what it is.
If you want to identify the education agenda, all you must do is follow the money. The mega-donations of billionaires like Bill Gates have funded the overhauling of state education through programs like Common Core. Big money lobbying and philanthropy ensure that the ones with wealth stay in control of how the next generation thinks.
Those behind the greater public education programs know that the way to change the world is through uneducating the youth. Today people fight for their freedoms, tomorrow they willingly give them away, as long as they can be indoctrinated with a virtuous-looking idealism when they are young. This is about much more than civil liberties, but make no mistake, if the powers-that-be have their way, the future is one where slavery is liberty, liberty is fascism, and everyone believes it. The future is gained by generational conditioning. They are willing to play the long game to usher us all into the New World Order. All they need is for us to go along and not rock the slave-boat too much.
They are targeting the young. Attacking their sense of moral good. Perverting their consciences at such a young age that they can hardly tell right from wrong when they get older. Searing their minds to block out the feeling of God and shelter them from the conviction of the Holy Ghost. Drugs and alcohol don’t do as much to block out the voice of God as the godless philosophies of “higher learning.” If something as simple as their own biology can be called into question when they are toddlers, there’s really nothing that can’t be confused later in life. These are the people they want to cast the votes, hold public offices, and instruct the next generation coming up. Welcome to the post-modern world of “educated” relativism.
In the name of equality, children are being taught explicit racism. An entire article ought to be dedicated to this alone. In the name of community, they are instructed to throw away their liberties. In the name of love and tolerance they are taught to despise the God of mercy. Some people have been reduced to such a heaping pile of senseless contradictions that it would be humorous if not for the terrific abuse perpetrated on these poor souls.
This ongoing erosion of principles is destroying the very foundations of society, and if Jesus doesn’t return in the clouds soon, would thrust the world into a black hole of chaos from which there is no return. The fabric of human existence has been rent and the tear only worsens. It can no longer be repaired.
The only hope is for the few who will listen to wake up and do something radical with their children. Something radical like pulling them out of the educational establishment and refusing to take part. While many homeschool groups can be as big or bigger a failure than institutions, many parents would be better off instructing their children at home and asking God to lead them to the truth. If nothing else, at least they could keep their purity and common sense.
This is why we have felt so strongly that God wants to use our schools. Our children do not go to public schools. We are working hard to develop an educational program that God is pleased with. One that glorifies the God of reason. An educational environment where students can learn at the highest levels. Where the narrative of history is reconciled with the prophetic account, not told from the biased vantage point of earthly conquerors. Where girls grow into women and boys into men. Children are taught the lost art of respect and how to work. Where the viewpoints of different cultures converge yet differences are valued, and disagreement is still viewed as healthy. Yes, our schools are so very important.
Join us as we fan the flames of God’s judgment against this crooked educational system. May the Academies of the Church of God be filled with smart and eager children, whose parents realized the fall of the school system can not be reversed. May we stop the uneducation of our precious children and train them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.
Recently it is alleged that Mr. Waters was offered large money by the founder of Facebook to use his famous song in an advertisement for social media. The irony is heavy, given that social media is one of the greatest tools in the hands of those dumbing down society. Roger took a colorful yet firm stand against Facebook and its founder, refusing the money. We feel this was very appropriate.
In the spirit of this article, we say with Mr. Waters, that we don’t need that kind of education. We don’t want that thought control or the dark sarcasm of nihilist educators. Please, teachers, leave those children alone.