Our enemy hates human life. And his followers do, too. They try to be crafty and hide their sordid bloodlust behind camouflaged cloaks of pretend compassion and false concern. For the health and well-being of the mother, they say. A woman has a right to choose what happens to her body! Women’s health care is a basic human right!
Codebreakers on the battlefield have long understood the true meaning and intent of these types of intercepts, and it doesn’t bode well for the babies and children on the fields of Armageddon. Come with us as we explore the assaults on human life at various theaters along the front line.
Be Careful What You Pray For
Our first stop is Scotland, that once brave and proud land that stared down popes and threw down idols in the fires of reformation for the good of Christ’s holy Kirk, only now to erect shrines to the modern Moloch, for in Scotland, the abortion clinic reigns supreme. One dare not touch its sacred cow, or encroach upon its unholy precincts–even within the privacy of your own home.
Last fall, Scotland enacted the Abortions Services (Safe Access Zones) Act. “Under the act,” The Christian Institute reports, “people risk an unlimited fine for handing out pro-life literature within 200 meters of a centre, speaking to anyone about abortion, or praying silently.” This includes conduct in one’s own home, if the home falls within the sacred perimeter outlined by law.
According to The Christian Post, “A letter sent to residents in an Edinburgh zone stated: “Activities in a private place (such as a house) within the area between the protected premises and the boundary of a zone could be an offense if they can be seen or heard within the zone and are done intentionally or recklessly.” Private prayer in one’s own home may amount to breaking the law!
Does anyone know of a type of prayer that is unintentional? What have we come to when even the posture of prayer in one’s flower garden can be viewed as a threat to the staff and patrons at the abortion shrine 199 meters down the street? Because, hell forbid anything but tranquility to prevail upon the already troubled consciences of women who abort their babies!
Such legislation is not unique to Scotland, but is now endemic to every country within the UK.
Rock, Paper, Scissors, Persons!
Next, let us journey to beautiful New Zealand, home of Mount Taranaki and millions of other legal persons. That’s right! Mount Taranaki (now to be known as Taranaki Maunga), that enormous hunk of rock, has been granted legal personhood by act of Parliament. This means it has all the rights of a human being. It is all on paper, so it is official. The law was passed in response to lobbying by the Maori, indigenous peoples of New Zealand. In a speech to Parliament, lawmaker Paul Goldsmith explained, “The mountain has long been an honored ancestor, a source of physical, cultural, and spiritual sustenance and a final resting place” for the Maori.
LIFESITE News reports that New Zealand has also previously given personhood rights to a river and a piece of land.
Such a generous consideration by all good and conscientious Kiwis, we are sure! And we would think that, with such magnanimity, they would protect all human life with personhood. But we would be sadly mistaken. The unborn are deemed unworthy of such accommodation.
Abortion laws in New Zealand were updated in 2020 to allow for termination of pregnancy for any reason up to 20 weeks. For 20 weeks and above, at least two “qualified” health practitioners must agree that the abortion is “clinically appropriate.” These changes were made to cut through the red tape and “reduce barriers to accessing abortion services,” according to the Ministry of Health, which obviously wields some mighty big scissors–in more ways than one.
So, Kiwi lawmakers signed the paper that covered a rock. Scissors would normally cut paper, but who wants that? Rock trumps scissors, after all. And scissors are useful for cutting other living things. They dare not call them persons.
A Killing Garden (State)
Our last stop is New Jersey, USA, where Governor Phil Murphy is requesting an additional $2 million for the state budget to “help recruit obstetricians, gynecologists, and other providers of women’s health care.” This, per NJ.com. Codebreakers were on the alert. But they needn’t have been, for the Garden State governor minced no words when he plainly stated, “I will certainly never back down from defending women and protecting their access to reproductive health care, and especially, their right to an abortion.”
The cat was out of the bag. (But this is an unfair analogy. Felines love their kittens.)
New Jersey is hoping to capitalize on the exodus of abortion providers fleeing states where abortion bans and restrictions passed after the 2022 overturning of Roe vs. Wade have made their murderous practices onerous or practically impossible. The additional funding would be used to attract such providers by helping with moving costs and loan forgiveness programs. Abortion providers, you see, must kill. It is their nature. They cannot simply move on to more gainful employment.
The dog can’t help but return to his vomit. (Again, another unfair analogy. Have you ever seen a canine’s care for her little ones?)
These horrors have witnesses of the battle asking, “Are these people men or beasts?” Well, you can always tell a beast from a human in the environs of Armageddon. Beasts have more regard for their offspring, born and unborn. They are your judges, O ye wicked hordes!