
Prophetic Identity

Our identity is distinctly prophetic. Many came to John the Baptist, demanding he declare who he was. In like manner, …

Our identity is distinctly prophetic. Many came to John the Baptist, demanding he declare who he was. In like manner, there is pressure on us today to be branded and labelled as to who we are, and with whom we are. But as John, the only answer the church must give is the one that connects us to our prophetic distinction: “I am the voice…AS said the prophet Esaias.”

We are that kingdom which began as a stone cut out “without hands” and which is even now filling the whole earth, and is “the mountain of the Lord’s house” unto which all nations shall flow. This stone (and its mountain) is of divine origin, and is unmarred by the the political wisdom of carnal man. It is a spiritual kingdom, and not left to other people. While the Stone of Stumbling Himself was being nailed to a cross, He was dealing the deathblow to the universal kingdoms before Him. In like manner we will conquer, and in like manner the eighth beast’s destruction will be.

While we stand in solidarity with all our oppressed brothers and sisters, and boldly support the righteous principles of freedom, human rights, and rebellion against the wicked system of this world, YET, we categorically state that we are not “with” any splinter, faction, group, party, or organization, but as God’s people, possess complete prophetic autonomy. Those endless schisms are stones cut out with hands, the production of man’s design, and therefore part of the image itself.

The foundation of the apostles and prophets remains the only foundation outside of the troubled sea of sin-tossed humanity, for “other foundation can no man lay.” Even the most “honest” faction is still in the sea. Perhaps it is a sandbar, maybe as much as a lifeboat, but all are hopelessly doomed to destruction unless they are anchored to the ground of truth.

There exists, moreover, a strong, spiritual “undertow” that seeks to draw us out into that raging ocean. Indeed, after 1,000 years, the dragon’s prime tactic is still destruction by assimilation: to devour, swallow up, and incorporate everything outside of itself into its racist and greedy system. Yet, God’s apostles, standing on the unshakable vantage point of prophecy’s more sure word, are even now drawing to shore the full gospel net, taking full prophetic dominance of both the ingath­ering and sorting process.

Those in the sea would want to attract us, our support, influence, and resources to their individual frays, and thereby, in the eyes of the world, effectively place us in their own “vessels” of classification. However, the vessels of separation belong to us by God’s election, and we will do the divine work of end-time sorting. The predestined prerogative of pronouncing to the world both “bad” and “good” is ours alone by prophetic appointment.

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