R Becker

Outrage News

Armageddon News could just as truthfully be called Outrage News. The items that come across our feed are indeed outrageous…and …

The Protestant’s Dilemma

The Protestant is in a predicament; he is a contradiction incarnate. He is forever stuck in a mud hole which …

The Blood Cries

“And he said, What hast thou done? the voice of thy brother’s blood crieth unto me from the ground.” Genesis …

Prophetic Intelligence

THIS WORLD IS TIRED AND WEARY. The garment of time has waxed old and worn thin. One could say that …

Euthanasia: Mercy or Murder?

LETHAL INJECTION IS NOT A normal part of healthcare. It is only for dogs and cats, right? O how times …

Armageddon News

Blind leaders

Wicked rulers of the darkness of this world have much to give account for. They rally and muster the blind, …